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Local Postgres Database


This guide shows you how to connect a locally running PostgreSQL database to BemiDB. This is helpful for initial testing of the platform. BemiDB will securely connect and, after you select your tables, automatically provision an encrypted, analytics-optimized cloud database.

At a high level, you will:

  1. Use ngrok to securely expose your local PostgreSQL database (so BemiDB can reach it without complex networking).
  2. Collect your database connection credentials (Host, Port, Database Name, Username, and Password).
  3. Enter these credentials in
  4. Select the tables you wish to sync.

Step 1: Install & Launch ngrok

  1. Download & Install ngrok

  2. Launch ngrok on the same port PostgreSQL uses (typically 5432):

    ngrok tcp 5432

ngrok will display a forwarding address in this format:

Forwarding tcp:// -> localhost:5432
Port: 12345

Keep ngrok running so your tunnel remains active.

Step 2: Gather Your Postgres Credentials

You’ll need the following to share with BemiDB:

  • Host: The ngrok forwarding host (e.g.,
  • Port: The ngrok forwarded port (e.g., 12345).
  • Database Name: Usually postgres or your custom database.
  • Username: Could be postgres (or another Postgres user).
  • Password: The password for that user.

Step 3: Update pg_hba.conf (Allow External Connections)

Locate and open your pg_hba.conf. Common locations:

  • Ubuntu/Debian: /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf
  • macOS/Homebrew: /usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\data\pg_hba.conf

Add or modify a line to permit password-based connections. For example:

host all all all md5

This instructs PostgreSQL to allow all users (all) from any IP address (all) to authenticate using a password (md5).

Restart or reload PostgreSQL for changes to take effect:

sudo service postgresql restart

Step 4: Connect at BemiDB

On the BemiDB Dashboard, enter the Host, Port, Database Name, Username, and Password from above.